Gremlin Engine - Site info
Welcome to the site info page.
From here you can post suggestions for our site, take a look at the services that Sourceforge offers you (forums, mailing lists...) and use the site map if you are getting lost.
Below is also a list of the technoogies we are using, in fact, we are serious about web developing and W3C standards.
We hope that this section may be useful to you. If not, why don't you suggest us something?
Used technlogies:
XHTML 1.0 Transitional for all the pages |
SSI (Server Side Includes) for all the pages |
CGI Perl scripts for interactive pages |
Bash commands for "invisible" scripting |
All our pages validate as XHTML 1.0. Check it out!
This site looks best at resolutions of 800*600*24 or higher ones.
This site is still under construction. It will take me a few weeks to complete it.